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Answer: A policyholder living overseas may pay his or her insurance premium under in Bangladeshi Taka or in equivalent foreign exchange by through Demand Draft (D/D) or Accounts Payee Cheque issued in favor of "Delta Life Insurance Co. Ltd." and drawn in a bank in Bangladesh. Policyholder should write the Policy Number on Cheque/DD and sent it to Delta Life Head Office at Dhaka.
Answer: The bonuses attached with a policy are payable only at the time of final settlement of the insurance policy, i.e. at maturity of the policy or at earlier death of the assured or when the policy is surrendered, for its surrender value.
Answer: A policy cannot be transferred in the name of any other person. But its right and benefits can be assigned in favor of any person or an organization. In such a case risk of the policy is borne on the life of original policyholder while the ''Assignee'' receives the benefits that come through the policy.
Answer: Delta Life has introduced Overseas Mediclaim Policy (OMP) for person travelling for a short period of time. It is a type of health insurance offered to Bangladeshi Nationals and Resident Foreigners under which treatment expenses incurred abroad in the event of sudden and unexpected illness or accident are covered while on business or official trip and holiday tours. Some health insurance cover is now a pre-requisite for a visa to developed countries. The policy is intended for use by the insured person in the event of a sudden and unexpected sickness or accident when the insured is staying abroad. The acceptable age limit is 6 months to 65 years. Benefits include expenses for physician service, hospital, medical services and local emergency medical transportation. This coverage is given on the basis of following information: Age of the proposer Country which he or she intends to visit Duration of his or her stay abroad A declaration of continued good health by the proposer Rate of premium is quoted on request. Claim is settled in the country where the treatment is availed.
Answer: The Company insures a man in good health. When there is a discontinuity, the policy becomes irregular and it no longer bears any risk or bears limited risk as per policy conditions. So, when a revival is requested, the assured has to produce evidence of insurable health condition. Sometimes a simple declaration of good health by the assured is sufficient. But when the period of discontinuity is substantial, the Company requires medical evidences of good health condition.